

This would be awkward but, Hi! I have been missing from blogspot for so long while here I thought I was going to be a loyalist to my dead-serious blog. Want to see where I share other things like Cats, Sex, and everything else? Go here. (Nice sidetrack) but hence, Here I am once again. Claiming all godly things to write something that makes sense and do sense.

First and foremost, I moved. Yes, I am no longer in the Philippines but I am now a official California Girl [insert song and awkwardly end]. It has been about 7-8 months that I stayed here. If I tell you it pretty easy here, I'd be obviously lying. Settling in was a bitch and so is finding a job. (And I won't talk about it because it'd be only sidetracked to my family issues). I have been doing different kinds of things from then on. I do not have school, so I literally have zero friends that isn't related to me in any way. And you all know that one of my hobbies is reading a book, and boy did that thing grew into a magnitude!

It all started with Goodreads, blame it sure but I wouldn't because it's particularly my life. If you have a lot of free time in your hands, it's in no way pretty and awesome. If you are like me, you'd be bored in the next 5 minutes. In the first few months, we didn't have a laptop or a internet in the apartment. Boy that was a killer. We spent our free time going to malls and such, then I saw the lovely haven of the Dollar Book Store. Jesus Christ, I felt like I was saved. I was quite a loyalist to Thriller, Suspense and Mystery novels: So I ended up buying a lot of John Grisham, Lisa Scottline, Heather Graham and many more. My reading habit from then on was in level 5. I had books to read between hours but it wasn't eating me ... yet.

After a couple, 3-4, months: We got a laptop! It was a hell party in the cramp apartment house and no later than 2 days we got a internet connection. OK, got the laptop and the internet. And what is a girl to do? Facebook? Sure, I'd be staring at that page for a full 10 minutes and I'm done. Tumblr? Sure, it ate a lot of my time back in high school and some time of my college years but not that much anymore. The laptop was there and it still seemed I didn't have anything to do. I downloaded games (L4D, Half Life, FATE, Sims 3, etc.) and still it gets pretty dull.

Let's talk about then how I started this BOOK BOUND craze. Everyone is particular going crazy about the *drumroll* Hunger Games. Yeah? yeah? You know I'm right. Dystopian books doesn't exist in my vocabulary then and I decided to try reading ... I discovered Goodreads in the middle of the craze for book readers and it lead me to ... 271 books ... with 91 to-read. It's pretty shruggable (Lol on the term) but I always and always torture, if not killing, myself into reading 10 books a week. Where the hell do I get those kind of numbers and books to read? Goodreads. I am now one reading machine. No kidding.

I always find the time to read from 8 am to maybe 4 pm with breaks in between and internet thrown in there, and my personal time of 8 pm to 12 am. No wonder I finish books a day and I cannot seem to stop now. I even made a goddamn schedule on this things! "Schedule", can you believe it? I can, that's for sure. I always have books 'on-the-ready' to be read and they keep compiling until I get a total of 10 or lesser to finish in a week. Sure it didn't start like that right away, but if you're thinking I spent a day here in California without reading a book since last 4 moths? You be kidding. I always, always, have something to read.

... Do you feel awkward yet? No? I bet it isn't that much of a creepy habit, I mean ... Psh! It's just books! With a lot of sexy males to drool over and sex scenes to imagine and .. and .. things to fantasize.
... Until next time! 

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